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Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 


International Library of Photography

ok everyone, I was just wondering if I don't send back in the artist's proof, can they use my photo anyway? their letter makes it seem that I will still be in the contest but without my signing the proof they cannot publish it. I have not desire to be published it their book and I certainly don't want them to be able to use or sell my photo in any way without me knowing. just curious to hear from anyone else who didn't send back the card. thanks for your time and happy shutterbugging to everyone!

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January 23, 2004


Jon Close
  There is not "contest." This group is simply a vanity press. If you want your photo "published" (maybe) then send the card and the $$ for the book. Do a Google search on "International Library of Photography" and read the warnings/complaints.

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January 24, 2004


  thanks but my hope was NOT to be in or to buy their book. I was asking if anyone knew if I just ignored thier proof letter and didn't send anything back would they still be able to sell or publish my photo if they wanted to. I do not want anything to do with them or their contest and I certainly don't want them to be able to make money off my photo. thanks. dotty

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January 24, 2004


Jessica Hughes
  Hi Dotty.
They wanted to publish a few of my photo's, which I didn't want. You have to sign the release and send it back to them for them to publish your photo's. If you haven't signed anything, they cannot publish your work. They are running quite a scam. I think they sell their books only to the artists that are published in them.

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January 31, 2004


Jose A. Hernandez
  It's funny to me because I had seen these complaints a couple of days ago right here on betterphoto, and today I received notice of one photograph of mine they want to publish. I will take their side for a second.

I must have read at least five times on the letter they sent me that no you are not required to buy anything. They need you to sign that form because if it is in fact a stolen image, the owner could sue them. They probably don't want that and wouldn't publish without it. But if you decided you don't want them to publish your photograh, then just send them a written notice saying so. That would just be the more polite and professional course of action. Also Jessica, I just looked a few of their books on amazon and they are for sale to the public. They are not quite the bestsellers, but they are there.

Finally, to their credit I would like to say that they do mention when you submit your photographs to them that they may be published. And from your comments you sound as if they are trying to steal the photograph from you. That competition is for amateur photographers and it makes sense to assume most amateurs, like myself, would be happy to have their photos published.

I would understand why you are so protective if you are a professional, and then of course you don't want other agencies selling your hard work. I am happy to let them publish my photo because it is still my photo, but I won't bother buying the book simple because I own the photo and the model, one of my cats, from whom I get enough headaches. Of course they will try sell you the books and their mothers, its capitalism. Wher have you been for the last 20 years???
I'll see you around boys and girls.

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February 06, 2004


Johna S. Rerko
  hello, I just found this site by chance and I wanted to repond. I have sumitted 2 pictures to the isp. they have both been chosen to be published. I was also sent a letter telling me I was excepted to recieve the outstanding amtuer photographers award for a picture that I did not send the artist's proof signature back on. as they are still publishing this photo and I am still recieving an award.I have looked this company up on the better business bureau.for the simple fact is that I had been asked to attend the convention in washintion D.C and this costing $600.00 plus motel and travel. I was cautions. they have been in business since 1997 and as for what the BBB has to say is good, there are no complaints or bad marks on their record. I am taking their side for this and I am attending the convention as well as recieving my award. I have bought the book that my 2 photos are being plubished in as well as the plaque. however the answer to your question is yes they can publish your photo without your signture as they are awarding me with an award for a photo that I didn't sign the artist proof for.
thanks for your time and good luck.

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March 13, 2004


Jose A. Hernandez
  hhhmmm... well johna answered your question. To what I would still suggest you contact them and tell them you want out. but look closely trhough their website....and if there is a small print anywhere that says they can publish it.....well....good luck with the lawyers...because then they could legally steal that picture...let us know how they treat you!!!
good luck
Jose Antonio

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March 13, 2004


Gary Yong
  Jose, I too have been told they want to publish my picture, and yes they state repeatedly that this is at no cost to me, and that I may or may not purchase the book. Therefore I thought to myself, I have nothing to lose if I don't buy the book and there is nothing they can get from me if they were in fact scam. But here is the truth: they only publish your picture in the copy they send you, and only the copies you order will contain your picture. You have taken the bait if you have sent the money; if you haven't, you're safe, but you won't be published either. The very fact that there are so many complaints out there about them should be a fairly obvious sign that they are at best a shady operation. The whole Convention thing is of course an outright scam: what are you being nominated for? A contest for which you have to be present to participate in and for which you haven't even submitted your entry to(since you have to take the pictures there at the convention)? And $500 to attend? You could buy those plaques and medallion and cherry-wood base nonsense yourself with $500. The whole concern about who owns what rights is beside the point; they are unlikely to go down that risky road, and they are only concerned about taking your money upfront. They are what is known as "Vanity Press". Type in the keywords and see how much upset all this has generated. I too have had the disapointment in discovering the shadiness of what I had believed to be a genuine accomplishment. So this is not meant to be condescending, and do your own research to be certain for yourself. I am sorry that this is all wrong and upsetting for all of us.


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March 24, 2004


Jose A. Hernandez
  Wow...Thanks for the info on the scam gary. makes sense. I don't have time to look around, but i'll take your word. I didn't purchase anything before, and won't ever now. I did notice the bit about the conference and how that is BS...ooops...the FCC maybe online....beware!..the government is controlling comunication media...soon you nude photography fanatics won't be able to exhibit your work.
Down with the international library of photography!!! That's it! lets go to washignton and sabotage their rip off conference!!!'s two o'clock in the morning and I have to finish writing a document. Coffee!!!!

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March 24, 2004


Christy Seiley
  Don't know ie this helps anyone but it I too got a letter about being published so I actually called the phone # that was included and the operator basically said YOU BUY SPOTS in the book and book buyers get spots then "contest winners" get spots and if there are spaces left they fill in with the rest of "the chosen ones". sounds like they choose almost everyone and whoever buys books gets published.

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March 29, 2004


Leanne M.E. Boyd
  Yes they can. I sent in a photo, that wasn't that great, and did not send back any of the proofs, requests or backups. They still tell me I'm invited for mega dollars to the convention, and for more money, I still can be featured.

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March 31, 2004


Kim Paradeses
  I was told over a year ago that a photo was chosen to be published. I did not buy the book, but sent in the signed artist proof. I can still today pull up my picture and it says it will be published in the next book. They have published quite a few books since I was selected, but are yet to put my picture in a book.

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March 31, 2004


Johna S. Rerko
  hello all, I wanted to get back to you about that BIG $ convention. I did infact attend the convention and it was fablous. it was held at the washinton hilton in down town D.C. about 1500 people attend infact.there were lectures and workshops going non-stop from 9am till 11 pm for 3 days, the baquet dinner and the awards cermony. all the famous photographers that they claimed to be attending this convention were indeed there. the awards were real.. I recommond anyone who gets invitied to these conventions in the near future to attend them. I had a great time and learned alot from the guest speakers. and I got to tour D.C. this convention was well worth the $600.00 that it cost me to get there.. thanks

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April 05, 2004

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