BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Frank P. Rebiejo

June photo contest disappoint

I'm very disappointed, I still haven't received any info on the June photo contest. Don't know who won what or who to talk to about finding out results. Can't find any info on the website. I've tried the link that has been put up about the contest and BP doesnt't recognize the link. I use BP for the contest and look forward to the results with anticipation. Right now I feel like I'm being left out. Can anybody from help me with this????? Signed Disappointed,

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July 18, 2004


Nobu Nagase

The contest finalists and winners should be available on the "Contest" page when the winners are announced... It should be done in a day or two...

When the finalists are determined, BP has emailed to those in the finalists list... and the list is not to others until the winners are selected... That has been the practice that I have come to understand furing the last year... I have been on BP just a year now...

Anyhow, Frank I created a HTML line for you here... so just click the following underlined link... It should take you to the finalist list.

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July 18, 2004

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