BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Black and White Photography Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

f-stops and focal lengths

1) what will be the impact on your f-stop setting when you speed up your shutter setting for freeze action?

2) what impact does the focal length have on a slow shutter speed?

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October 12, 2002


Raphael Chan
  1. If you are using a manual SLR camera, using high speed shutter setting means you have to select the low number of f-stop setting (larger diaphragm) unless switch to high speed film. If you are using an automatic camera, it will adjust the f-stop by itself if you preset the shutter speed.
2.This question relates to 1. slow shutter speed allows you select the high number of f-stop setting, hence increase the focal length (Depth of field)

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October 23, 2002


Raphael Chan
  1. If you are using a manual SLR camera, using high speed shutter setting means you have to select the low number of f-stop setting (larger diaphragm) unless switch to high speed film. If you are using an automatic camera, it will adjust the f-stop by itself if you preset the shutter speed.
2.This question relates to 1. slow shutter speed allows you select the high number of f-stop setting, hence increase the focal length (Depth of field)

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October 23, 2002

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