BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Black and White Photography Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

About Black and White Photography

Respected Sirs,

I have shot a film on Ilford which was done in daylight at 60sec/f8. After processing of the film the print result was showing a burnout tone. Kindly let me know what is the right way to shoot in daylight. I am interested in Black and White Fashion Photography coz it is the most creative thing to do than colour. The equipment that I have is a Coasina CS1 with 35-70mm and 80-210mm lenses.

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August 16, 2001


John A. Lind
  Umang, exposure outdoor depends on brightness level of your subject(s) and your film speed. There are a lot of variables here without enough information. You didn't mention whether or not you were using fill flash.

From your description of the photographs along with the shutter speed and aperture used, my guess would be over exposure. The Cosina C1s has built-in TTL metering and you should be using it as a starting point for exposure settings (if you are not using flash). Beyond that, a hand-held spot meter to find the brightness level of highlight and shadow, and make decisions about exposure from that would add to what the camera has built in.

-- John

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August 18, 2001

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