Canon Rebel 2000..."> Canon Rebel 2000..."/>

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Category: Comparing Camera Brands

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River Side

Oh No.. Not another Rebel 2000 vs N65 Question!

Hi Guys,

I've narrowed down my search for a beginner SLR 35mm AF camera to the Canon Rebel 2000 and Nikon N65. I just need to clarify a few things.

1. How durable are these cameras. (Has Canon's plastic construction really affected it's durability?).

2. The N65 doesn't have Mirror Lockup. What exactly is it and why would I need it.. If I'd need it at all?

3. The N65 shoots 2.5fps when in Sports Mode ONLY. Is this true? and does that mean I can't take multiple photos in a manual mode? Does the Canon let you take it's 1.5fps pictures in any mode?

4. There is no remote control on the Canon. Is there a Self Timer? Is it good enough? How about the Self Timer on the N65?

5. There is no connection for external flash on Canon. True or False? Can I add one later?

6. How is the battery life on both cameras. Are they both battery guzzlers or economical to own.

7. Is there any difference in PQ when using a 50mm/f1.8 or f1.4 Canon or Nikkor lens respectively.

8. What is a PC connection. Do these Cameras have it?

9. I can stretch my budget a little. So are the N80 and Canon Elan 7 really worth the price difference going a step above?

10. If I never want to upgrade to telephoto or other complex/advanced lenses, which brand Canon, Nikon, Minolta, Pentax is best for me?

Thanks for your patience. I'm as green as they come in Photography.. but I promise, if you have any questions on setting up a HT, I'd be very glad to help you out in return :)

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September 10, 2001


Elaine S. Robbins
  I purchased a Rebel 2000 in April and have really enjoyed it - I, too, had been weighing the Canon against the Nikon N65. Ultimately I just preferred the way the Canon felt in my hands as well as the bright viewfinder and layout of the controls. As for your questions:

1. I took my Rebel hiking in the Badlands of North Dakota. I was pretty careful with it, but it still got a few bumps - and it was fine. I don't give a whole lot of credence to those who complain about the plastic because frankly, if you drop/bump it that hard then you're just not being careful enough. Pros who do a lot of field work maybe are justified in having a "really rugged" camera, but for us normal folks, I don't think it really matters.

2. Mirror Lockup is when you can pre-fire the mirror of an SLR before actually firing the shutter. It is useful for long or very low light exposures where the vibration of the mirror could cause blur. I've done 20 second exposures without it (since the Rebel doesn't have it) and the slides are plenty sharp.

3. I have no idea....

4. Actually, you can buy a remote for the Canon, as well as a cable release. It also has a self-timer (10 seconds, though it may be programmable) that would work as well as long as your subject isn't moving much (i.e. not sports or animals, etc).

5. False. It has a hot shoe and can hence be added to.

6. I don't really know. I'm still on my first pair of batteries, since April, have probably shot 100 rolls. However, I don't use the flash much - flash sucks batteries on any camera.

9. I don't know much about either, however, now that I'm seeing Elan 7s online for $300-400, I'm almost wishing that I'd waited a little. On the other hand, the Rebel is extremely light and compact for an SLR, particularly one with so many features - I can carry it around in a midsize purse and no one's the wiser (very convenient while traveling).

10. Both Canon and Nikon have excellent lenses. I don't think it really matters. I'm saving up for a 75-300 IS lens by Canon - either of the cameras you're considering could be used with higher-quality lenses.

Good luck!


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September 16, 2001


Yaron Kidron
  1. They are durable enough, for most daily needs. Neither are built as tanks. Both the N80 and Elan 7 feel much better. Plastic is a none-issue really. Top cameras are usually composed of PolyComposites, the same material that NASA builds essential space-crafts. And that also has a plasticy feel.

2. Mirror lockup is mostly needed in Macro photography; if you intend in embarking seriously in this kind of photography, neither models would suite you. However, this is a very specific niche. For nearly all occasions, mirror lockup is not required (When you lock the mirror, you can not frame your picture!)

3. Can't provide any input on that.

4. False. you can buy a remote or a cable release for both bodies. (there are several models available). There is also a timer.

5. You can add any EOS flash system to the Rebel 2000. Take note though, that flash performance is considered to be better optimized with Nikons. The higher priced Canons (as well as the Elan 7) match the Nikons though in this term.

6. Irrelevant; you would spend much more on film than on batteries. In any case, you can buy battery packs for both bodies- these could easily prolong battery-depended camera life.

7. The f/1.4s are marginally better in picture quality. However,they are constructed to meet pro-usage, and the EOS version employs USM (as well as full time manual focusing). Is it worth the extra money? if you are planning to study photography, the 50mm lens is the best way to start. However, Most people will NOT see the difference in PQ.

8. Neither do, and if you're not planning to shoot in a studio, then forget all about it.

9. I believe they actually do worth the extra cash. BUT- a better camera would not necessarily translate to better photography, at least for starters. If you don't need extra-ruggedness, faster AF, fast film advance and more manual control, then buy the lower priced bodies, and invest in a tripod, a remote release, and loads of film. THIS would make you a better photographer.

10. Nikon has the most elaborate lens line. It also provides you with the option of buying lower-priced, manual focus Nikkor lenses, and hooking them up to the N65 (You need to check for compatibility, though- some lenses would not meter correctly). The EOS line has loads of lenses as well, some of which are world-class leaders, especially with stabilized telephotos, and standard-tele zooms. Minolta and Pentax travel behind. It does not matter what they have to offer, just remember- the more you spend on a lens, the better lens you're going to have; and in most cases, your lens collection is going to far outweigh your camera body in terms of price.

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September 17, 2001


The N65 is slightly better by a very slim margin. The Canon has some interesting features, but overall the Nikon feels and handles just a tad better. This does not mean, however, that this comparison holds true on up the line of these manufacturers' products.

I myself am trying to decide between the Elan 7 or N80. I'm quite intrigued with Nikon, but I want to eventually go digital and think Canon may be a cheaper solution. Any ideas? (Apologies if this is a retread as I'm new to the forum).

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May 27, 2003


  The N65 is slightly better by a very slim margin. The Canon has some interesting features, but overall the Nikon feels and handles just a tad better. This does not mean, however, that this comparison holds true on up the line of these manufacturers' products.

I myself am trying to decide between the Elan 7 or N80. I'm quite intrigued with Nikon, but I want to eventually go digital and think Canon may be a cheaper solution. Any ideas? (Apologies if this is a retread as I'm new to the forum).

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May 27, 2003


Judith A. Clark
  8. There is an adaptor that you can buy making your hotshoe into a PC. You only use this if you are going to fire some none dedicated flash units, and studio lights. I know on my old Canon, I had a few camera stores tell me it would not work, but it did as long as I used manual. I have a Nikon D100 now and use the same adapter to fire my lights also in manual. If you are useing studio lights, you need to have a light meter to meter the scene anyway, so manual is not a problem.

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May 28, 2003


River Side
  Well well well.. it's been a while I visited this thread.. I think just for fun, after two years and still using the Rebel 2K and opting not to shell more for the Elan 7, I should respond to my own questions.

1. The camera is still going strong.. personally I have discovered the people who complain about 'plastic' are used to older bodies.. as the new 'plastic' is quite resilient against proper use.

2. I never felt the need for a Mirror Lockup so far.. the Elan 7 has it, plus the lit focusing points, but i'm opting against upgrading the body .. I may invest more on the lens instead.

3. Again... haven't used the continuous shooting mode for the Rebel 2K so I guess it wasn't relevant.

4. There is a self timer.. I use it quite often.. haven't found the need for a remote control yet.

5. ok.. that was a silly question .. the hot shoe takes compatible flashes.. in fact i'm using a Vivitar 285HV instead of the expensive TTL Canon options.

6. Batteries drain faster if I use the on camera flash.. but i've just bought a bunch of AA NiMH batteries and a Maha charger and plan to get the Canon BP-200 battery pack which allows the use of AA batteries.

7. sorry again.. that was a lens question thrown in between a body questions.. but hey.. I was a newbie back then.. I got the 50mm 1.8 (1.4 too rich for my blood) PQ is great as long as I stay at 5.6 or above.. goes a little softer at the edges at 4 and softer still wider than that.

8. I can't recall why I asked this.. maybe I read their specs..anyway dunno and dun really care now.

9. I think the main problem with the Rebel 2K is the dull viewfinder, unlit LCD and focusing points and a little hard to find in the dark controls.

The Elan 7, or the new Rebel Ti for that matter have focusing points that light up and metal lens mounts, BUT i'm sticking with my Rebel 2K because of the great AF system and the metering which to date has been great for such an affordable body.

I have learnt the hard way that better lenses not better bodies make a better picture.

10. Still have no need for specialty lenses.. IMO Canon has the edge now with it's AF system and the USM IS lenses.. Nikon has the USM equivalent but very few if any IS kinda lenses.

I think I did good going with the Canon Rebel 2K. Gonna replace the dog 28-105mm USM with the less-of-a-dog consumer 28-135mm IS as my all time traveller lens and concentrate more on technique and pray to win the lottery to get into the L lenses.

Thanks everybody for the responses.. i'm not so green as I was two years ago.. but there is a long way to go.. To anyone else faced with the predicament; unless you have inherited a sack of Nikkors, Go Rebel 2K .. u can get it for like $150 these days .. and if u want more, get the Rebel Ti (lit focusing points great advantage) .. they blow the entry Nikons out of the water till it gets to N80 and then u have Elan 7 to take care of it.

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May 30, 2003


Melissa Williams
  I love my Rebel 2000 and I work in a camera store so I've gotten to play with the Nikons. I think it's now discontinued, Wolf/Ritz/Kits Cameras only has ten left in their warehouse.
I have the remote switch, it's called the RS-60E3. It is not wireless, but it allows for bulb exposures, and helps with camera shake on slow exposures, since you're not touching the camera to release the shutter. I don't think there is a wireless version. If I'm wrong, tell me where I can get one. I use a 28-200 Tamron lens for almost everything. I hardly ever use my other three lenses unless it's for some specific reason like filter size. I didn't like the feel of the Rebel Ti, but that's just me. I don't feel the need for a lit LCD personally, I just look in the viewfinder to see the f stop and shutter speed. I like that it has a lot of focus points but I think it might bug me if they lit up. You just have to weigh the pros and cons of each and decide which one suits you best. There's no such thing as "The best camera." Find the one that's best for YOU. Then create your images with what you have: your eye, and your knowledge of shutter and f-stop.

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June 23, 2003

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