BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: How to Choose Studio Lighting

Photography Question 

Dennis Martineau

Strobe Light Accessories: What are These?

Recently, I got a great deal on used White Lightning strobes and accessories. However, no instruction manuals with any of the equipment. I have the strobes figured out, but the items I have uploaded for your viewing have me confused. The black, square items I can't figure out how to attach to the stobes securely. Do any of you recognize what you see and can you give advice on what circumstances they are used in? Thanks very much for your responses.

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December 01, 2003

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  The black squares look like gel holders. If you wanted to use colored light you would use that to put a colored piece of square plastic in them.
The round things if they have little holes in them look like they may be a spot grid. They are for when you want a narrower focus spot light, the little holes, if they have them, are to prevent any light from spreading out. The silver things are the reflectors for the strobes. That's what directs the light from the flash in the right direction. Otherwise you get a bare bulb light without it.

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December 02, 2003

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