BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: How to Choose Studio Lighting

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lighting: Actual backdrops vs Digital Backdrops

Im trying to set up a small studio in my house. The photos I take are art photos of people. I was looking into backdrops when I discovered digital backdrops used with a blue or green screen.
My question is how would using a digital backdrop effect how lighting looked in photos? I use Adobe Photoshop for all of my editing and what not. It seems to me I wouldnt be able to get as dramatic of a picture with the digital backgrounds, but Id have more options.

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August 27, 2002


Teresa Hawkins
  I love my digital backdrops, it gives ur customers alot more to choose from. I have a great solution for you, go to, they just came out with a new software called mystical lighting and it is awesome, it solves all your lighting problems plus give great option to use with digital backgrounds, it stands alone or use with photoshop , I have 7.0 and it works great with my layers and its on sale until 31 mar right now

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February 14, 2003


Renee L. Steele
  Digital Backdrops do give you many more choices than what you would get normally from a small studio.
I agree with the mystical lighting technique, I use it also, although you may find that most times you really won't need it.
I have lots of samples on my website.
go here:

And click on the sample images link.
Thanks for looking

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April 07, 2003


Mr Mickee's Deals
  that is a great idea and knockout2 is also a great program it helps to give added background removal.

see some samples at

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July 03, 2003


Josh Hudson
  Every time I see people use digital backdrops it just looks like a bad chromakey on tv. Anyone here have any examples of professional looking pics done with digital backgrounds? I can show my clients some of the stuff I have seen here.

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August 13, 2003


Josh Hudson
  Every time I see people use digital backdrops it just looks like a bad chromakey on tv. Anyone here have any examples of professional looking pics done with digital backgrounds? I can show my clients some of the stuff I have seen here.

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August 13, 2003

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