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Category: What Do I Need to Build My Own Darkroom?

Photography Question 


Enlargers are Expensive

I love photography and I am trying to start developing my own film. I am having trouble with finding a enlarger I can afford. I am fourteen and do not have a lot of money. Do you know of any place that sells them used or know of where I can go to maybe find someone who has an old one that they have no use for.

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October 06, 2001


doug Nelson
  Many people older than you are under the mistaken impression that learning photography by having total control over B&W images is somehow obsolete. There are enlargers on closet shelves, just as there are great manual focus SLR's. We just have to root them out. Look at yard sales, eBay, newspaper ads, local "FOR SALE" papers, and bulletin boards at schools that teach photography. It's okay if the enlarger does not come with a lens, as you can get that separately. I like the old Omega B22. Others like the Beseler 23C. Durst made good enlargers in their day. Bogen made a cheapie that might be OK to start with. With a used enlarger, though, be sure it comes with the 35mm negative carrier, as they will be very scarce used. Try to find, also, The Print, in the Time-Life Photography series, a great book to get you started.

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October 08, 2001


Orlando D. Stevlingson
  Jonathan - Like you, I'm a beginner in photography. Unlike you, I'm much older than fourteen and decided not to wait for a used enlarger to show up in the classifieds of the local paper. I turned to eBay, got 'sniped' a few times, but eventually got the enlarger I wanted... a Beseler 23cII. It came with a lens and a few extras and was far less than half the price of a new model w/o a lens. Doug gave you good advice about making sure the one you purchase has a 35mm negative carrier. The 23cII may be a bit more enlarger than I needed, but part of the fun I'm having is 'growing into it.' Good luck, Jon and have fun.

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October 09, 2001


  Thank you so much for your anwsers - they will help me a lot. I am really interested in photography and have purchased a Nikon N-80 and am enjoying it more than any other camera. Once again Thank you.

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October 10, 2001

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