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Category: Photography Studio Techniques

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

shutter speed

I have an older Minolta camera that my grandfather used many years ago. I am a bit confused as to when to change the shutter speed. I was under the impression that for an action shot such as sports, that you would need a faster shutter speed. Is this correct? and in what instance would you use the slower shutter speed?.....Shawn

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June 24, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  A fast shutter speed for sports? Only if you intend to stop action. If you want to show movement (via blur) then you would use a slower shutter speed. The very nature of your question suggests to me that what you really need to do is to read some books on basic photography (particularly those dealing with exposure). Get thee to Barnes and Noble!

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June 24, 2002


Alex J. Herning
  Here's a more CONSTRUCTIVE answer... as Jeff said, use your super-fast films like 1/500+ for frozen shots and films like 1/15 to get a nice blurring. Film can even run down to 30 secs., and if you have a tripod you can get a real nice picture of heavy traffic with long trails from brake lights.

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June 25, 2002


Tony Peckman
  Shawn, listen to Jeff and get some books or even do a search of "photography basics" on
Alex' rating of "films" as shutter speeds will totally baffle you and I have NEVER seen that sort of explanation before. I'm certain Alex had super intentions, albeit a little confusing. Alex, what are you trying to do to poor Shawn?

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June 26, 2002

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