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Category: How Digital Camera Equipment Works

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why are My Pictures Blue?

I don't have any model information about my Sony digital camera, but wanted to ask if anyone might be able to provide some insight. When I attempt to take pictures outdoors (in sunlight, snow, etc.) my pictures develop with a blue overcast. When I use the same camera for indoor shots, they turn out fine. What would possibly cause this? Is this an indication that something mechanical might be wrong with the camera or with the user - me?

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August 04, 2003


Judith A. Clark
  Look in your maual under white balance. This should give you the answer you need. White balance is basicly the way your camera responds to the color temperature of the light conditions your shooting under.

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August 04, 2003


Michael Kaplan
  Judith is right. You probably either have the camera set for the wrong white balance. Even film has to be balanced for the conditions you are shooting in. If indoor WB is used outdoors, you get a bluish tint. If outdoor used indoors, you get yellow/orangey tint and under florescent bulbs you get a greenish tint.

Check your manual under white balance to know how to change it. Most people just leave it under Auto which usually gives a sufficient exposure but may still be off. Do not despair though as you can make changes for existing pictures in programs like Photoshop, Elements, Paint Shop Pro or many others that let you correct the colour of a photo. It will fix it to a more natural color.

The ideal of course is to either do a manual WB (if your camera allows it) or use any preset WB but if you do not want to bother or keep forgetting to change it, Auto WB will still usually be good enough.

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August 12, 2003


Buddy Purugganan
  Its best you use CORRECTION filters such as TIFFEN, HOLLYWOOD/FX or B+W FOR DETAILS check out and also e-mail them about your they have a COMPLETE line of excellent filters for any video enthusiast.

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August 25, 2003


Ms. Shan Canfield
  One of the cool things about a digital camera is you really don't need correction filters if you are setting a custom white balance or using one of the presets appropriate for the condition, sunny, cloudy, ambient, etc. I've often created my own digital filters to produce a certain effect by creating a "faux" white balance, for example if I wanted my pics to have a funky greenish appearance in a daylight situation, I simply put a pink/magenta card in front of my lens when setting the white balance. The rule of complements applies when setting the white balance. Whatever color cast you "want" to introduce can be created by shooting at the oppisite color for the WB. The WB is attempting to compensate or neutralize the conditional color of the card by introducing its complementary color, so it basically produces a "filter" Just like in Photoshop if you have a "magenta" color cast in the mids & highlights, you can rid that cast by targeting the mids & highs using a Color Balance Adjustment layer and move the Magenta/Green slider bar more towards the green; to the point where it "neutralizes" the cast....or if you want to get crazy..move it all the way to green and the green takes over.

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September 08, 2003


Michael McCullough
  Outdoor light will often reflect blue under certain conditions eg.a snowscape under a bright blue sky,it is the reflected blue sky which causesz this.
,with a film camera I use a filter,to lesson this blue effect.
, with digital I really have know idea but I'm sure thre is a way to correct the image in camera!!!!

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September 09, 2003

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  you don't need a filter, it's your white balance setting. Look for something that have a little symbol of a sun, a light bulb, a cloud, a flourescent light looking thing, and a bent arrow which stands for flash. Or look for awb(auto white balance) Set that right you fix your problem.

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November 16, 2003


Elissa Kadell-Haden
  I always had color problems with my Sony Mavica FD-83 no matter what settings I had the camera at. I always had ro adjust with an editing program.
I finally gave up on the Sony and bought and HP 850... No more problems now.

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November 16, 2003

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