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Category: How to Work with Photos and Film Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Wide Angle Lens Question

I currently have a 35-70mm lens. I was in need of a wider angle lens for work purposes so purchased a 24-85mm lens. Since the new lens I purchased includes 35-70mm, do I still have a need for this lens or shall I think of selling it?

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October 30, 2002


Michael F. Harrington

That depends on how happy you are with your new lens. If it is as sharp and of same build quality you might consider it. But you never know when you might need a backup.

My opinion: If it were me.. I would sell it

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November 01, 2002


Leo Enriquez
  One thing you need to check is what Micheal says: Sharpness!...

And the other one will be the maximum and minimum apertureyou have in it; but I believe the aperture in most wide angle lenses is almost the same!...

If you have the same aperture on both lenses,then keep the sharpest one and sell the other one!...That's all you need to check!..

I remember that long time ago I wanted to keep my zoom and wide angle I bought at that time, and wanted to get rid of my original minolta lens, but Thank's God I didn't do it (I was learning at that time), because the zoom had a an aperture of 4.0-6.3, and the wide angle is 3.5-4.5; and my original lens is 3.5-4.5 wich means I could get less depth of field in that one and get the backround a little more "blurry" if you know what I mean!...

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November 02, 2002

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