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Category: How to Work with Photos and Film Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

The advantages and disadvantages of an SLR camera

what are the advantages and disadvantages of an SLR camera and a TLR camera with a beetween the lens shutter

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October 12, 2002


Raphael Chan
  This is a tough question because not many people own a TLR camera which should be an antique.The advantages of an SLR camera are many:
1.You can see the actual image through the single lens by reflex prism,
2.The serious photographers can preview the actual 'depth of field' of that f/stop being used (by press down a button usually located next to the lens outer ring.)
3.You can get an accurated meter reading through the lens with that f/stop.
All these merits are lacked by a TLR camera because of its simple and old design.
But there is a big disadvantage on SLR camera in regards of shutter: when you press down the shutter, the mirror pane is pulling up for exposure process, you cant see anything through the view finder until the exposure completed. This drawback would not notice in a higher shutter speed, but it become a problem when you are using a slow shutter speed for following circumstances:
1.You may not aware the good looking lady you are portrait may blink her eyes.
2.You loss track the movement during an athletic shooting or panning.
3.You are blackout for shooting night scenery such as catching the lighting or firework longer time/extreme slow shutter exposure,e.g.using B f-stop.
All these SLR camera disadvantages are overcome by TLR camera, because of its twin lens structure - the top lens for view finder, the lower lens for shutter exposure.
At last, can I ask why you come up with this question?

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October 25, 2002

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