BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: How to Work with Photos and Film Equipment

Photography Question 

Piper Lehman

Rangefinder do they work?

Anybody, how do rangefinder cameras work, exactly, and what are some of the advantages over SLR's? I like the idea of using a smaller, lighter film camera for certain situations (street photography, etc.) and have been looking at the older Leicas and other rangefinder cameras. I'm not sure I understand what's involved here. What's the learning curve like?


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September 15, 2002


doug Nelson
  The best source of info I've seen on rangefinders is at I won't repeat what that site owner does so well, except to say that I like the compact size, light weight, and lens quality of rangefinders. You might get by with a shutter speed slower, as there's no SLR mirror slap to add to the shutter's vibration. On the down side, quality rangefinders are really expensive and cannot be banged around.

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September 17, 2002

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