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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Annette L. Baker

Copyright Infringement

  There wasn't a title attached when we sent th
There wasn't a title attached when we sent th
This is one of the pics she and I sent

Annette L. Baker

  No title when sent
No title when sent
Picture with a question attached

Annette L. Baker

  This is part of my "lady in Red" series
This is part of my "lady in Red" series
I believe this is the last one

Annette L. Baker

I have taken numorous pictures of my best friend. She and I do modeling on the side of our other jobs and are always looking to get ourselves work. I sent,(we,)her pictures to a site e-mail and they posted them. They said nothing on there letter about selling one time use rights to the viewers of the site, and now when I bring up the site, they have a discloser saying something about the sales of "their" images. No one informed me, or asked me for permission. Am I Stuck? I feel that we were totally taken advantage of. I am to trusting I guess. I wrote to them to tell them that they are mine solely and without my permission, I felt they were being decieptful. What do I do now, and what do I do to prevent this in the future? I can give you the site name upon request if you would like to read what they have written.

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February 15, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  What do they say on the site about needing permission to use photos from there?
Can you have them taken off the sight?

Whatever the site is like, always look for fine print on everthing.

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February 15, 2004


Annette L. Baker
  This is right off the site;
Scorpion Bikini Team images are "Copyright Protected," which means that specific usage rights must be granted for a negotiated fee. Images are licensed for a one-time, non-exclusive use. The cost for any given license is determined by the manner in which the image is intended to be used. This may include factors such as type of use, size of the displayed image and the number of copies that will be circulated. Any commercial use of S.B.T. images without written consent will be charged at TEN TIMES the current stock rates.
What does this mean exactly? Who is protected? When you run your curser over the image the little printer picture comes up. doesn't that mean anyone can print the image all they want?

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February 15, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  It sounds like they are planning on getting any money they can off of use of your pictures. If there's no mention about rights belonging to the photographer of the images, then they aren't planning on having any money coming your way.
The part about Ten Times the stock rate, sounds like if somebody uses an image without permission, that they will charge that person ten times whatever the current rate is to use a picture without permission. Which means, if the fee is $100 for the use of a picture, if somebody uses one without permission, then they will have to pay $1,000. And it will most likely be presented in a way that says "so you don't have to go through with a lawsuit, pay us $1,000 and we'll call it even".
What is this site anyway? And does it say anywhere on the site about any submitted photos indicates an a agreement that the site can use the photos any way they choose?

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February 16, 2004


Wing Wong
  There are more and more sites popping up now which do the "free gallery for you", but a "we get to use the pictures you post without compensating you". The assumption being that the compensation you are getting provided is the free "webhosting".

The best bet is to try to remove the images from their site or better yet, upload a "replacement" picture to overwrite the one you have uploaded to the system using the same name and such.

The problem with alot of the free online sites is that they "reserve the right to change policies at any time".

The best bet is to setup your own webserver and use the free sites to link to your site. This way, the images remain on your site and do not fall under the "policies" of the free sites.

This is unfortunately true for glamour type shots where the site will charge people for "viewing" of the pictures. I've come across a few of these "gallery" sites which are little more than "pay-for-view" sites and not real resource sites for photographers and models.

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February 16, 2004


Gregg Vieregge

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February 20, 2004

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