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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Tammy Comer

need to come up with a business name

I would like to make a brochure or flyer to send around with some of my pictures to get business. I am new at this and starting out of my home. I always get stumped on what I should use as a name. I know a lot of people use their names--"Tammy's photograpy" but I don't know if I'm comfortable doing that. I want to specialize in portrait photography--especially with children. I know it's a small detail, but one that always gets in my way. Can you offer suggestions for names or suggestions on how I can come up with one? Also, do I need to check somewhere if that name is already used? Thanks! Tammy

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February 14, 2004


Annette L. Baker
  I am where you are! I am starting out and finally decided on the "Nic-name" my father gave me, since he is the one who also got me started. Grab a Thesaurus to start, and see what other words stand for child, children, youth, small, little, new perhaps. Brain storm all the things that come to mind when you think of a child and the world they see around them. Do a word search on the web, catagory Child or Children. Maybe the "Nic-name of a loved one or yourself as a child.
I hope that was a little help.

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February 15, 2004


Julie L. Curiel
  Hi Tammy- I had this same problem a couple months ago when coming up with my name. I did some research of other photographers in the area and almost all of them were "so and so photography" just using their name. At first I thought this was uncreative and not eye catching. But then after thinking about it I think it is done for this reason- As a photographer you develop a name for yourself, a reputation. If someone tells a friend "my friend Tammy ____ takes great photos you should check her out" then that person just has to look up your name instead of going through a list of names that don't tell them anything about the photographer. If you develop a good reputation for yourself then using your name for you business name would maybe be the best option. I decided to go with that after thinking about it for some time. You also have less of a chance that the name isn't being used elsewhere already. Your state's small business website may have info readily available for you to look up to see if the name you want to use already exists. You may want to start there and find out your state's legistics on naming your business. I hope this helps! Good luck!

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February 15, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
how about-

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February 15, 2004


Gregg Vieregge
  Go to any search engine and type in photography studios. Look at all the different names and get some ideas from there. I would suggest not using your name. (first or last) Use a name your not associated with you personally. People sometimes get funny when they have to write out a check directly to you, especially when it's a big one. They have no problem writing a check out to a different name. Sometime down the road you may sell your business. A non-personal name carrys alot more good will value in the selling price than a personal one. Use will have to register with your state an assumed name and have your local paper post it for I think 3 weeks. Also you have to get a sales tax number and get that registered with your state. If your having employees, you'll need a federal tax id number also. Don't leave out these areas if you're charging a fee. The IRS will catch up with you.

Good Luck

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February 20, 2004 - Eric Highfield

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Eric Highfield
Eric Highfield's Gallery
  I agree with Greg on this. I struggled with for a bit myself, but felt it just left more options open down the road. I think it gives a stronger impression of business maturity if you have a company name not based around your personal name. I currently work for BIG business as my bread & butter day job (hopefully to change soon), and I know first hand as a buyer of products and services that companies have big concerns with reliability of the "Mom & Pop" shops. When I chose to register StoneHorse Studios, I had put a lot of thought into the name prior. Horses, have long been an icon of reliability and strength, and stone… well, it emphasizes the point more over. Although, I’m trademarking both names, I’ve opted for Studios over Photography, because it leaves room for a wider breadth of product and services expansion without having to change the company name, as I do practice in other art forms and may want to add them in into the fold of the business someday, or even hire some talented employees in those areas if the business booms and/or drives down that path. My wife is a partner in this, but uses her maiden name as her “artist’s” name, to it give less of the Mom and Pop appearance when we are pitching our work together. We also have different titles on our business cards. All of this to give the impression of a stable and reliable business....of critical importance especially in the first year when your business is most vulnerable. Whatever name you decide on, I’d recommend the following:

1) Make it catchy and memorable
2) See if it is available to register it as a Internet domain name right away (even if you don’t intend to use a website it right away). Some nasty people register piles of Domain names and then try to sell them to companies at HUGE price inflations, or you could end up naming your company and find out that a Porn site has a similar web address to your company name! Good idea to check first.
3) Register it as a business as early as possible
4) Come up with an attractive, but simple logo (simple makes it easier and less costly print business cards, letterhead, invoices, Model release forms, T-shirts, Mugs, hats, etc.
5) Register the name and logo and trademark it within your country, or countries you plan to do business in (some people wait on this, but it is a good idea to do it as soon as possible for similar reasons to the internet domain).

That’s all I can think of right now, and I think I'm running out of room anyway. I want to wish you luck, and much success! Starting you own business is an intimidating venture, but the reward is being able to do what you love for a living!!

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February 23, 2004


George Couch Jr.
  Deciding on a business name can be a chore. But one must keep in mind, that whatever name you may use, could already be copyrighted!
Sony corp. sued a resturant owner whose name was Sony. She used her name for her business. But Sony Corp cried copyright infringement and won in court.
As aspiring business owners we all should be careful in this respect.
Sueing for copyright infringement is a big deal to some business.

Don't mean to put a damper on the discussion just thought I'd share some info with everyone.

I for one am still looking for a good name for my aspiring photo business.

George Couch

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March 31, 2004


Simone Severo
  I think your name is somehow your asset. You can develop a pretty good reputation by using it. I know it is hard getting used with just your name + Photography. Think about ohter possibilities but don't narrow down to a so specific one that relates you only to the "portrait photography". think that now this is what you want to do...but maybe some years from now you decide to photograph still-photography too and your name will be saying "so and so "portrait" photography. I think we have to look to the future and let doors open to change our own paths in photography.
Good luck with your choice :)

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April 03, 2004


Gregg Vieregge
  Portraits by Tammy sounds fine. Go for it and let's end this thread.

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April 04, 2004


'A name lets see I hopee u have found one if not think about the location u live in.
The street u live on-the school u go to- the bvest cat names u ever had-key it to the market u live in and around-I am currently in the south so I have created this name finessimgesunlimited
this works for the atmosphere and the abiance of the people in the area-0
hope this has helped-ken from alaska

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April 06, 2004


Kim Acheson
  I also say just go with your name. I am looking for ideas for a name but the simple fact is that your going to want a web site and you'll want it to be a .com if at all possible. Its extreamly hard to come up with something that isnt taken, is short and is easy to rember.

Im going to go with my last name. Besides think of it like this Ancel Adams made a better name then photo-to-go.

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July 18, 2004


Hollywood Stroad
  Hi Tammy! My name is Hollywood- yes that is my nickname- however, before I descided this is what I want to do with my future I wanted to Make my own line of cosmetics and perfume. My best friend wanted to do the same thing so we descided we would work together. Then it hit us, we had not come up with a name. My last name is Stroad and her's is Burgess, we both descided on 'B.S. Cosmetics', funny yes I do believe and that is what we loved so much about it... it was funny, catchy, and new. Sadly that career is the past but I hope my story can be of some help. have a wonderful day Tammy... p.s. New Creations by Tammy...or Tammy's Creations

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July 22, 2004


  Tammy I started out the same way . But then I was watching my two girls and I
thought to myself why not use the first
letter of their name and their I had the beginning of name of my studio.
good luck and I hope this helps
tim Olson

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December 21, 2004


Cindy K. Bracken
  Hi Tammy,
I struggled with the same thing - but finally decided to use my name (Cindy Bracken Photographic Art - which I liked better than just "photography"). Personally, I think using your name sounds more elegant than a "cutesy" name. Best of luck to you!

Cindy Bracken

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January 02, 2005

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