BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Student With a Project

What is the Trade?
what do you do?
what conditions do you work under (eg.Home)?
what training is required?
what generic Skils do you need?
What tools and processesdo you use?
Are there any safty issues in your proffession? thank you

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February 12, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Not sure what you mean by "what is the trade" unless you're looking for a job title. If so, then I guess you can put down photographer.

what do I do? I take pictures, and am trying to make a living at it.

conditions-go out and take pictures, use the computer at home to put them on a web site, use a printer at home to make prints if I need to.

training-formal training as in school can help, but really you have to learn how to work your camera, and learn about what makes a photo look this way or that, you have to be able to learn from your mistakes, and you have to just take pictures of things so you can see what needs to be improved.

skills-good awareness, a little creativity, reading people, getting a good vibe on things. good sense of timing too.

tools-a camera, lenses, lighting equipment, film,
processes-for me I just see something or think of something that would make a good photo and just try and do take one.

safety-there could be depending on what type of photography, or what/where your taking pictures. You get sent over seas to cover a civil war breakout, you could get blown up. You're a nature photographer, you could get charged by a hippo by a river bank. Shooting a football game, you could get run into by a player.

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February 13, 2004

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