BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

David B. McKinley

Getting more people familar with my work

I love to take infrared digital photos, and I don't seem to see alot of them in the area I live in (Pensacola, Florida).
Everyone that sees the framed photos I take, loves them, and says I would love to have one. How do I get my photos more visible to the public?

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February 12, 2004


Marla Drayton
  Have you tried signing up for some art shows? I think they are usually juried, but if you can find some inexpensive ones, that might be a good place to start. I would try to stay away from craft shows as people don't seem to spend a lot at craft shows vs. fine art shows. Good luck.

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February 13, 2004


Alan J. Beachler
  Just Me Myself and I
Just Me Myself and I

Alan J. Beachler

I entered my first juried show last fall and actually had one of two prints accepted. $25/pic.
I learned several lessons.
1 There can be no doubt that your shot fits the catigories.
2 Enter nothing smaller than a 11X14 pic with about 3" matting and complementing frame.
3 Have all releases with each pic.
4 Visit other shows before setting your price.

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March 02, 2004

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