BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Murtaza H. Saeed

Who Owns the License To the Website Address

Dear B.Photo,

When we pay B.P. to provide us a deluxe website, do we, the payer get to own the license to the website address, or does B.P.? ---- i.e. can someone choose to sell one's web address after B.P. designs the deluxe website for us - or is our freedom to own the address limited to B.P.'s original jurisdiction of ownership of it? Thank you.

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February 12, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I was wondering that too. If for some reason, we have to or either choose to get a website later on and it's not done through better photo, can we still use the same domain name?

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February 12, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  It is my understanding the BP registers the domain name for the person setting up the website, but the user ultimately owns the domain name. I could be wrong, but that's the way I understand it.

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February 15, 2004


Wing Wong
  I haven't done it through BP, but when I was hosting through Hurricane Electric, the domain is registered by the ISP, but in your name. That way, when you want to transfer the domain somewhere else, you could.

The problem is when the ISP or 3rd party doesn't register it in your name, it is their's as far as the registrar is concerned. That would be something to check into.

Do a whois on a domain name you had BP register for you. You can do this at

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February 16, 2004


Jay Wadley
  We actually register the domain names in Betterphoto's name. The reason for this is so that we can manage the settings required to point the name to our server and can take responsibility for all technical support. It's really about keeping it easy for everyone. We have no vested interest in keeping domain names and let the registration run out if a member chooses not to renew their deluxe site. Some members are more comfortable owning the domain name themselves or have an existing domain name that they want to use. This is fine with us, although they are then responsible for the domain registration fees, changing their DNS settings, and tech support surrounding their domain names themselves.

This is a common question and on our deluxe site FAQ as well at If anyone has any further questions, feel free to email me anytime at jay at

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February 21, 2004


Murtaza H. Saeed
  Thank you Gregory, Damian, Wing and Jay. You've been very kind with your time, I appreciate it.

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February 23, 2004

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