BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photography schools

I have been accepted at Brooks Institute of Photography in CA and also at Hallmark Institute of Photography in MA and am having a hard time deciding which one would be the best. Does anyone have knowledge or experience with either of these two schools and can give me some advise?

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February 12, 2004


Lisamarie Busch
  Hi Amanda
First off congatulations on being accepted at 2 schools. I have seen these schools on the web and wondered about them myself thinking they were take your money and run schools or real accredited schools that will actually teach you something. I posted a question (in response to another question by someone else) under the topic "careers and making money" and the subtopic "careers" so maybe someone will respond to one of our 2 questions. good luck in school.

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February 28, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  First off, congratulations!

I just wanted to mention something, if it's a factor, you may also want to consider the cost of living in the area of these two schools.

Brooks Institute is just up the hill from where I live. If you didn't know it, studio appartments average around $1,000 per month or so here, you can find better deals, but it may be something to consider.

The more you're going to spend on rent, the less you'll have for film and other supplies...


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February 28, 2004

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