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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Going Pro - Making Money with Your Photography

I want to make some money off my pictures. Can anyone offer advice or recommend any good books on getting started?

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January 30, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  There is a book on (and in bookstores) called "The PHOTOGRAPHER'S MARKET 2004 Edition". There are markets that cater to almost all subjects... stock, sports, nature, art, photojournalism, panoramic, and MANY more. At Amazon, it costs less than $20.00 so consider it a bargain!

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January 30, 2004


BetterPhoto Member
  thanks Buddy!

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January 31, 2004


John Gasawski
You may wish to also check into Jim Zuckerman's Making Money with Your Photography class offered via this web site. He also has a book on the subject. Another ageless book is "Sell and Resell Your Photography" by Ron Engh. He also has a web site that you should check out. Hope this helps.

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February 02, 2004


Vik Orenstein
my new book, THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S GUIDE TO BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS is intended to be a companion to THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S MARKET and will hit the stores in april of this year. i'm also offering a class here at, "the Business of Photography," which might be a good fit for you.

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February 11, 2004

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