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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Lisa Doyle

Would that be the copy rights ???

My friend and I are working with a store in our area...We have made some ad's with photos from thier store for news papers and magazines...We charged for the ad's that we did...We just finished a photo shoot for them ...What we are wondering is how to charge if they request a cd of the photos we took...We would chg for the time it took to take the photos, but how do we figure out how to chg for a cd, do we chg rights to the photos ??? Would that be the copy rights ???
Hope someone can help us out with this...

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November 14, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  While I think your question deserves some kind of an answer, Lisa, you probably won't like it.

You and your friend are apparently engaging in a business and don't know the pricing structures and/or the rules that apply. A prospective or actual client who thinks they can get away with obtaining the completed work on a CD from the original artist(s) is banking on the fact that their vendor is either an amateur or someone in their art department is either incompetent or, (and I hate to say this) very sly.

Do you charge for the usage? Look at the National Fee Survey of a few years ago published at APA Advertising Photographers of America. The pages you want start at at

Read some of the books available on business practices, like the ones published by and keep them for reference. Attend local meetings and see what other photographers in your area charge for this work along with designers, art directors and illustrators. While you may not be working in markets like New York, San Francisco, L.A. or Chicago, your work has some kind of value to your clients and YOU need to figure out what that is and how much it's worth.

You're potentially talking thousands of dollars for usage rights. If you don't know what the fundamental difference is between a copyright and selling work outright with a usage agreement or not, you need to educate yourself, don't take any short-cuts. In essence, you need to know not only how to price your work by the hour(s) but also how to value usage AND value to your clients AND how to sell those fees BEFORE you do a job or take an assignment.

Charging for the time it took to create the photos is just one area of fees. Join a professional association or the Designers Guild or some outfit that will help yo learn the business practices you need to understand. Without that, you're likely significantly undercharging for your efforts and not only underpaying yourselves, but undermining commercial photographers in their ability to earn a living.

Once again, sorry to be the bearer of somewhat bleak news.
Take it light ;>/

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November 15, 2008


Lisa Doyle

Thank you for your advice, I am going to be looking into all you suggested ...
We all have to start somewhere and I know I have much more to learn ...
Thanks for your time and help...


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November 15, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Hi Lisa ! I'm glad you took what I said in the spirit in which I intended you to. You're quite welcome ! Best of luck in your endeavors.
Be well.

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November 15, 2008

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