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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Selling photos to have painted

Someone has asked me if they buy a photo from me could they do a painting of it. I told them it was copyrighted & they can't do it without my permission. They said they'd like to work out something. Is it worth giving permission & how much would I charge for the use of my photo? A friend suggested I not do this.
Any comments are welcome.

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November 09, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  I am an eternal optimist thus I believe people are generally honest with a moral compass that points true. If one of my pictures strikes a chord and becomes admired, I would be flattered. If they wanted a copy to hang on the wall or use as a draft for a drawing or painting, I would just hand it off to them, no questions asked. After all, nothing ventured – nothing gained.

If I were famous like Michelangelo or Grandma Moses, I would consider accepting an enormous fee. Under this scenario I would take a check and sign the work of art.

Alan Marcus

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November 09, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  My question Peggy, is whether you really need the dough that badly versus the pleasure of seeing your work interpreted by another artist, say side-by-side with a photograph of your original work and a short bio sketch. I've done this before for non-commercial artists and just give them a release and request a buck for the favor.

OTOH if it's to paint a photograph for a publication, say a magazine or a book, that's a whole different story with a different set of fees and rules.
Take it light.

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November 09, 2008


Sharon Day
  Peggy, I had a lady email me asking for permission to paint an older finalist I have and she explained why she wanted to paint it. I told her she was welcome to use it as long as she wasn't planning on mass producing prints for sale. She assured me she wasn't and I gave permission. It's not a big deal to me but I can see why some would rather not give permission.

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November 09, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Alan,Mark & Sharon,
Thank you all for your comments.I understand what you all mean.I've never sold a photo to be painted before & I was just interested to know others views.
I like Mark's idea of a picture along with a bio or maybe even a business card attached to the back.
This is also a good way to get better known.
Thanks again for all your views. They are very much appreciated.

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November 09, 2008

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  The same thing happened to me...a lady was interested in one of my barn shots...I exchanged a few e-mails and trusted my instincts...I left her have the soft-copy...about one month later she sent me a huge painting from my photo, which I have hanging on my wall.

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November 09, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
I darkened this and made Mt. Hood bigger and covered some of the distractions (like the white barn & poles) in photoshop before using a combination of impressionist & flemish rub brushes.

Carlton Ward

And one more thing Peggy,
If you ever wanted to make a painting yourself, there is a fun program called Corel Painter and used with a Wacom tablet, it allows you to select a brush type & style and you can easily turn one of your photos into a Van Gogh or Monet...
The program & tablet are not cheap but they are a lot of fun.

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November 10, 2008

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