BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Will Wohler

Publicity photos for community band

I am a member of a community concert band, where I play percussion. I have offered to take some publicity shots for the band for a summer concert. I was planning on taking some shots of the band during our dress rehearsal of our December concert. I don't have any experience shooting on stage under stage lights and was wondering what can be done with the available light and what type of shots I should try to get? I am doing this for free, or if anything a waiver of my yearly dues, and want to get the best shots possible.

I was thinking of getting some shots of instruments and the performers as well as a group shot. Is there anything else I should think about?Any advice, not just specific to the questions, would be greatly appreciated.



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November 04, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Look over here:


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November 04, 2008


Will Wohler
  Thank you mark I will take a look at that site! :)

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November 04, 2008

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