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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Christie R. Bielss

White Backdrop for Pets

I have been taking photos lately of a lot of my neighbors pets and one of our local vets is now displaying some of my shots and wants to be able to refer people to me. I would really like to get a white backdrop that is "pet friendly". The animals toenails have a tendency to snag the muslin fabric and tear paper. Is there anything out there that you could recommend that can stand up to some active kittens and large breed dog nails - without me having to stop and change paper or pull a snag through to the underside of the fabric? Thanks for any and all help!

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November 01, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Try Astro turf. ;>)

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November 06, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Plexiglass over the paper.
Or you can build a small cyclorama.
For that you can buy the walls from adorama.
Otherwise, going cheaper with a tougher material, like canvas or a tarp(maybe the kind used for sail boat sails[which the proper name is sheets], might have a texture to it. But, since you've used muslin, you might not mind that.

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November 07, 2008


Christie R. Bielss
  Mark - LOL! If I use astro turf I could very well have a bigger problem than nail snags! Although the thought is intriguing for getting the more "active" kinds of shots.

Gregory - I hadn't even thought of those kinds of fabrics! The canvas should do the trick - but the sail sheets could look really cool and might even provide a way to get some cool lighting effects as well.

Thanks gentlemen! Great ideas as always!!

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November 07, 2008

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