BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Joan Castillo

Portrait Parties

Hello all -
I know someone asked this before and was referred to the MPix site - I did look at that site, was just wondering if anyone else has any new input regarding portrait parties. They seem to be growing in popularity and would be a good niche market.
I'd love (more) input from those who have actually conducted these kinds of photo sessions. From what I'm getting through my research, there are no session fees, groups of 4-5 over 3-4 hours, host gets a free session and % of party sales, and there's no pressure to buy on the spot (though I've found someone who does offer on-the-spot purchasing, which I think is a good idea, to get them in the moment if they want to buy). I wonder if it's a good idea to NOT have session fees??? And in this day and age of people getting competitive pricing via online photo sites, how do we charge to stay competitive?
Thanks in advance to everyone!

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October 30, 2008

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