BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Ulysses A. Villamin


I'm coming up with a coffe table book real soon. All of the images on that book were entries to BP contest. A lot are EPs and some FINALIST.

Is it possible for me to put the BP tags on each of them. For example, EP tags for the BP EP images and BP FINALIST tags on the finalist images?

Thanks in advance!

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October 23, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Possible? Yes. Permissible? Talk to Jim Miotke for openers then get permission from each photographer to publish their work (assuming I understand your question correctly). After you publish, are you planning to be selling the books to......ohhhhhhhhhh, saaaaaaay BP members under a title like "Spendless Journeys"?
Take it light ;>)

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October 23, 2008


Ulysses A. Villamin
  Actually, all those photos are originally MINE :) You wouldn't think I would actually get images from other people would you?

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October 23, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Given what goes on around here at times and not knowing you personally, I actually wouldn't be surprised. Nonetheless, I think the first part of my answer still applies. Talk to Jim Miotke if it's their symbol and created for the site or related endeavors. Probably good to go with his permission and an explanation of what the symbols mean. Maybe even have him write a forward to your book. How's THAT for marketing thinking?
"Don't forget to "vot".
Dan Quayle

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October 23, 2008


Samuel Smith
  since you have not posted a biography we know not your intention.
but to proliferate your book,no.
that would be a dishonest use of this website.
since i'm already disheartened by your lack of knowledge and wanting the use of a websites awards to self proclaim your interests,no.

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October 26, 2008

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