BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Cathie L. Campbell

Where to get good pricing on cards?

Does anybody out there know where you can buy 4x6 photo insert sleeve cards for less than $1.00 a card?

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October 15, 2008 - Leslie J. Morris

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Leslie J. Morris
Leslie J. Morris's Gallery
  If you buy in bulk, Photographers Edge has great prices and the quality and ease is wonderful. When you buy at least 100, they drop below a dollar each even less when you buy more...its best to go ahead and buy as many as you can. I try to purchase for a year in advance including for sale, personal use and gifts. They make terrific hostes, christmas and birthday gifts.

I buy all my Insert Photocards here and I purchase the individual bags for them at:

Have fun!


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October 16, 2008


Ed Estes
  Another source you might check out for bags and a small selection cards that are less than a $1.00 each is Redimat.

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January 06, 2009

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