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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Sabrina E. Hull

Need Advice !!

I am an amateur photographer and have a request. I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to approach this shoot? I have been asked a question about photographing some cars inside & out for a law firm. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing and how do you charge? Do I charge hourly since they are requesting me to be there from 9am to 4pm or do I charge a flat rate? Also do you think my Canon rebel xt or canon eos 20d would be high quality enough? Thanks and here is the e-mail that I rec'd - I found your ad on craigslist as a photographer in the Pensacola, Florida area. I work for a law firm in Richmond, Virginia and we have a case in your area. I've been assigned the task of finding a photographer to go to four depositions, taking place from 9 AM - 4 PM on October 9th & 10th at the Residence Inn at the Pensacola University Mall and take a comprehensive set of high quality, digital photographs of the deponents' vehicles, inside and out. Is this something you would be interested in? If so, please send me an approximate price quote.


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September 26, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Is this with or without the written consent/ permission or under a subpoena duces tecum and court order? Do you have to testify as to the authenticity of the photographs in court or by declaration/affidavit, what's the purpose of the photographs, do they require you to be there all day, are they going to need to take your deposition as well and what are they looking for? Ask them those questions, tell them $1,600 bucks per day plus expenses and if they flinch tell them the phone book is full of private investigators with cameras. Sounds like you may not have sufficient experience to do this, Sabrina and if I were you, I'd steer clear of it. It could get very messy and time-consuming depending on the answer to those questions I posed, among others.

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September 26, 2008


Sabrina E. Hull
  Thanks and I will ask about those things. I deal enough with attorneys as a nurse - I really don't want to deal with it anymore!!!

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September 26, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  This sounds like an investigation job. If the law firm is representing one of the parties in, say, an accident, then they have the right to designate a photographer to shoot the vehicles. As long as the vehicles are not on lockdown for investigation, you should have free right to them as long as you are representing the firm. What you will need is ID to have access to the veehicles (IE photo ID or copy of your contract). The law firm should provide these. Also, be prepared. You will probably be involved in the court case. You will be asked to explain the operation of your camera. You MUST be very detailed. A court will not settle for "Well, I turned this ring and pressed this button". You must know your camera inside and out. You must be able to state the settings that each photograph was shot at. You must be able to state how these settings were reached if using a manual camera. BRING A LOG. Write down everything. Legal photography is a very complicated business. BE PREPARED.

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September 27, 2008

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