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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Christine Zipps

What type release to use photo of dancer in book?

Actually, I have three, related questions based on this one scenario:

I recently took about 400 photos of a local cultural festival. I would like to use a couple of them in a book that I plan to self-publish. What type of release/permission do I need to get?

I have about 30-40 images of this dance troupe that I believe they might like to purchase? How do I go about approaching them and how to price/package?

What type of release would I need to use images of dancer(s) for preparing for sale (usually, through gallery shows)?

Also, I have photos of public art installations along with contact info for each artist. What type release do I need them to sign to use images in a book? Also, would I ue same so I would have legal rights to use same for sale (typically, in a gallery show)?

Lots of questions, but all related.

Many thanks!


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September 23, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  That was four questions, actually. Question 1 and 3, you need a standard model release signed by the individual or their parent or legal guardian if it's a kid under 18 with sufficient legal consideration since it's a contract.

Question number 2, drop a dime and buy a business practices book for
photographers complete with forms and pricing strategies. sells them, among others including

For number 4, you need a release for publishing photos of property signed by the artist unless the artist transfered the copyright to a public entity like a state park. Your releases should be specific. It's one thing to photograph and publish that photo of a work of art in a book. That's one use and artist fees are generally like photographers usage fees including press run, size of image, etc., negotiated at the time you present your offer to the artist.
It's another type of use to print up a bunch of posters or gallery images with that artwork. For those I recommend you contact the artist or their rep or agent directly and also get some input from a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property.
In my view, if I were the artist, say of a piece of sculpture and I know quite a few, why would I want to give a photographer the rights to hang photos of my sculpture on a gallery to sell rather than sell the sculpture itself.
Take it light ;>)

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September 23, 2008


Christine Zipps
  Thanks so much, Mark --

You offered most insightful information here and it addressed all FOUR of my questions.

Most helpful - hopefully, for other readers here as well.

Again, thanks!


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September 24, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  My pleasure, Cris. Any time. :>)

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September 24, 2008

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