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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Brigitte Kraus

What price to ask for taking pictures of paintings

Hi, What is the normal rate for taking pictures of paintings (4-5 paintings, 1m x 1m)? I would give the client the CD with the pics for the printer.
Thanks for your advice

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August 26, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  This is a pretty specialized type of work, at least if it's for some type of reproduction like publication(s), e.g., magazines, books, advertisments, etc. I shoot a lot of this type of work for galleries and/or artists from Carmel to San Francisco. My charge, if they bring the work to me, is generally $65 per square foot of art with a minimum of $500 per assignment whether it's single or multiple paintings.

If I have to travel to them, I add those expenses including time and expenses, assistant fees, film and processing. I would NEVER give the client the work on a CD. I work directly with their printer or printer rep whether here or elsewhere. I provide 4" x5" color and contrasted corrected reproduction grade transparencies and or C-41 negatives suitable for separation/printing, a usage agreement and copyright notice.

When some galleries require it, I have to provide supplemental insurance coverage to insure the value of the art work from fire, theft, damage, etc. That cost also gets added to the fee.

Sculptures or other types of artwork are a different deal altogether.
Good luck

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August 27, 2008

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