BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Katrina McMeans

Best Ways to Advertise?

I've been photographing for quite a while, and I've photographed weddings for 5 years now.

While I have had many referrals by word-of-mouth (which I know is the best way), I'm wondering what others do in order to advertise their business more? I pass out business cards everywhere I go, and I've teamed up with the Bed & Breakfast where I got married, and I'm now their official photographer. For wedding photographers especially, what's something that's worked for you when it comes to targeting brides?

Just looking to hopefully get some fresh ideas and new concepts to work with and try for myself.


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August 18, 2008


Kristy A. Keene
  Hi Katrina,
Of course, word of mouth and business cards are an important step in advertising. A really neat idea is to hand out referral cards to your clients to give to there friends and family. You can even add an incentive of 10% off your order. Although, I would put an expiration date on there, otherwise they will lose interest and the card will be lost in the bottom of a purse. If you want to take this even a step further, print them out on site, allowing your client to put his or her favorite photo from your session on the card. That way you know they will be eager to share them with people. I would also limit the amount of cards I gave to each client.
Also, try putting your business cards and maybe even examples of your work, at local bridal stores, florist and other places a couple will go in preparation of their wedding. If you and the B&B could team up with a special package providing both of your services, it would be a real attention grabber.
An online portfolio, such as BetterPhoto, can attract a lot of attention as well. People love the fact the can share their photos with friends and family across the world with a simple web address. And BP provides the highest copyright protection , unlike Flickr and other online photo sharing sites.
Lastly, don't forget the power of the yellow pages. Many people will grab a photo book and just choose a photographer from there.
Hope this helps!

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August 18, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  read here

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August 18, 2008

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