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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

whats the best form of advertising?

what is the best form advertising? is it flyers, business cards or word of mouth?

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August 16, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Mike. IMO, these days I suppose it depends on your particular photographic field. Your advertising/marketing campaign needs to be specifically tailored to the type of photographic work you want to shoot.

These days, regardless of word of specialty, I'd say it's still word of mouth. That would be followed by a strong web site that features the work you want to do, promotional cards mailed to prospects at various agencies that specialize also in the work you want to shoot, and then walk soft and carry a very very strong book (portfolio) for personal contact and to seal the deal with various reps or clients once you get their attention with those other means.

I suggest you look at Maria Piscopo's book(s) on promoting your work as a photographer. She's a rep based in Los Angeles and really knows our business. Also get a subscription to and read PDN (Photo District News). It's an essential tool that clues you in on various marketing aspects of our industry. And join a pro association, attend local chapter meetings and get to know other pros in your neck of the woods. That will often help with word of mouth rep and obtaining assignments that they may not be equipped to shoot. (Remember, however that's a two way street).
Take it light ;>)

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August 17, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Sorry, in that first sentence, second paragraph I mean to say "...regardless of specialty, ..."

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August 17, 2008


Pete H

I'll spare you the details of advertising as they are not only complex, but can be quite time consuming. Tracking your "bang for the buck" in advertising resembles more art than science...dollar spent vs income generated etc...There are probably more books on this subject than photography.

One important consideration many fail to look at is FOLLOW-UP!

I can not over emphasize the importance of staying in contact with current customers; getting referrals..and then getting more.

I love reading Zig Ziglar; one of the best sales people I've ever seen. His books helped me to re-think my biz years ago!

Getting business is really fairly easy..keeping it is another story all together. This is where many fail.

As photographers, we can not operate our biz like McDonalds, where people just stream in off the street. I'm sorry if this will burst some bubbles; but throwing advertising dollars for your business does not necessarily generate revenue! Period. This concept is known as a solution looking for a problem.

Mr. Ziglar used a wonderful anology of a ferris wheel.

We need to not only keep the ferris wheel seats filled; we also need to keep them filled when someone gets off our ride.

Your initial question has no REAL answer.
So much of HOW you advertise needs to be anchored to WHAT you sell.

In the scope of your question; word of mouth is priceless IF it's GOOD word of mouth. And it better be good!

One happy customer equals ten more potentialcustomers. One UN-happy customer equals 100 lost potential customers!

Advertising comes under an area of your business plan...a BIG area!

If you are on a short budget, there is a excellent book..I think it's called "Guerilla Marketing for Small Business"

all the best,


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August 17, 2008

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