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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Angie M. Nemanic

Graduation Photo Specifications

I've taken a few graduation photos in the past, but a friend has asked me to take her daughter's. She gave me the "specifications" the school requires of every photo. They stated that in the photo: Ear-to-ear must be 0.75 inches
~Chin to the top of the head must be 1.25 inches (excluding hair).

Am I supposed to get out my ruler. I"m afraid that I'll be off and they won't accept the photo. Any suggestions to make sure I do this exactly as stated?

Now I'm nervous. I haven't heard of this before.


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August 06, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Angie,
It is not unusual, when images are to be printed in a year book, to lay out specifications. The idea is uniformity in the finished publication.

Consider that high schools and the like often contract out, senior portraits to a single party. They expect uniformity.

Consider US passport specifications:
2 inches by 2 inches
Full Face
Off white background
1 inch ~ 1 3/8 inch bottom of chin to top of head

The difference between a professional and a casual shoot is attention to detail. Any component professional can deliver prints that meet these specifications. If you are having difficulties, it’s due to inexperience.

Alan Marcus

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August 07, 2008

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