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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Danea Burleson

Best form of payment from Europe?

Some of you may have been following this already but here's where I am at now.

The German magazine wants to send payment but the editor says that paypal wouldn't let her unless they have an account-to which she was looking into opening but wasn't sure if it was possible. So instead she has mentioned sending it via bank transfer to which she would need a bill and bank info.

She needs the original file by next week and I am assuming (and have stated this to her) that she gets the file AFTER payment is made. I have seen the pdf file of the magazine page and how my photo is being used. Is a bank transfer safe? Is there any other fast way of making payment. Is there usually a norm for this sort of thing? I still think this is a legit deal but a bank transfer makes me nervous, then again I know nothing about them. Help...haha!

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August 01, 2008


Danea Burleson
  I just called my bank and they said that wire transfers are perfectly safe and secure. Yay!

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August 01, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Get paid in euros.

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August 01, 2008


Nobu Nagase
Yep, Euro is good.
But get it in USD because you'd lose more in currency exchange.
..., you get a lot less than 100EUR for 150USD. Bum deals for tourists and businesses.

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August 04, 2008

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