Your overwhelming positive responses are so very well appreciated.

A f..."> Your overwhelming positive responses are so very well appreciated.

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BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Pete H


Thank you to all who have emailed me in response to my posting "In Reply To."

Your overwhelming positive responses are so very well appreciated.

A few have questioned my motivation in such a posting; a posting so large that BP would not allow it in one posting; so three parts were necessary.

To those few who questioned my motivation; I have no pecuniary interest in writing it. I have nothing to sell to you, no book deals, no grand opening of a web page to sell you more, no URL link where I will sell you anything at all.

My motivations in posting it remain personal for the most part; triggered by a heartfelt email request from a fine person struggling to find their way in the business of photography.

I will say; when I began in photography 30 plus years ago, a good number of people offered their advice to me. Some went further by taking me under their wing. One pro, now a close friend, even gave me an old camera free of charge. He encouraged me to shoot like crazy; he taught me wet darkroom techniques and theory.

People are the greatest resource on the planet!

All that I am, my successes, my "luck" my skills are because of these individuals who gave to me freely; expecting nothing whatsoever in return.

As all great busines people know all too well, give it away and it will come back to you. It is only when I give someone what THEY want, will I get what I want. Getting what I want AFTER they get what they want is not measured in dollars.

Because of this, when I can..when opportunity and time allow me to give; I give freely expecting nothing, yet receiving much.

I wish I could email you all individually, but the number of private emails blew me away.

Thank You!


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July 25, 2008

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