BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Pete H

In Reply to...Part 1

> HI Pete,

I was looking in your gallery and I must say I think the BP judges are
blind sometimes. You are obviously a very accomplished photographer.
I read in your bio, you are happy to help budding photographers. I am more
of a seedling photographer but I would like some of your help if you don't

I only began a little over a year ago, due to becoming permantly disabled
from my career in commercial refrigeration. I have a modest income from
that but would like to use photography to supplement. I am not sure where
to begin really. I was lookikng into doing microstcok but after all the
reading and especially seeing what your thoughts were I am not sure this is
a desirable avenue for me to pursue.
I could use some advice on getting started in a small way in selling my
images. I am considering doing a small line of greeting/note cards to sell
locally and I have been accepted to do a small art fair this september. I
wonder how one gets started in commercial photography and what it takes to
do so.
I have many other questions but will leave it at this for now.
I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions you could offer.

(Name omitted),

Thank you for your kind words, and forgive my slow reply.

First off, I looked at your BP gallery. Very nice indeed; I enjoyed some of
your special effects photos.

When it comes to advice I always laugh at myself. As my dad once said when I
asked him fore advice, "Bad advice is free, good advice we pay for." LOL

If you have had the opportunity to read some of my replies in the BP forums
concerning "how to get started making money" etc; you will see myself and a
few other pros DO offer advice, unfortunately it is not what many want to
hear. Advice from more than one source is always a good thing in my opinion,
so you may want to look at a web page by another pro, who writes about
becoming a pro. His name is Dan Heller, I think his web site is
While he is not be the only professional making a living from photography,
his thoughts are sound and his writing skills are far superior to mine.

As a professional photographer, I now live by the 80/20 rule (Name omitted); 20
percent of my time is actually doing photography with the remaining 80%
doing the business of photography. The two are vastly different. The
business end is just that; business..doing the books, advertising, keeping
my clients happy and seeking new clients.
"The business of photography is a way to ruin a perfectly good hobby." I do
not remember who wrote that, but it carries much truth.

As my first offer of advice, I would suggest staying far away from books
and/or internet commercials that promise wealth from doing photography part
time. Everybody has a great idea how to make money in photography, but they
leave out one VERY important detail..that is how to IMPLEMENT it! Most of
the internet commercials are scams to bilk you out of your money..stay away
from them.

Myself and another gentleman from the BP boards "Mark" always tell anyone
seeking to make money in photography the exact same thing. Business
plan..Business plan...Business plan! If I had a magic wand I could wave and
make you a gazillion dollers in photography; I would no doubt have 10
gazillion for myself. I don't. LOL
This is how one makes money in any endeavor; having a well defined goal and
developing a sound yet dynamic business plan to achieve that goal.
“Dynamic” meaning you will probably have to adjust the plan as you go along and learn; never be rigid in your plans.
I know that is probably NOT what you were hoping to hear from me,
nonetheless, it is the truth.
Had I decided to sell flowers instead of photography, I know I'd be
successful because I use a business plan. I don't want to sell flowers, so
photography is the way I went. It is always best to go with what you love..I
love photography.

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July 24, 2008

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