BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Cynthia L. Sperko


I am in the process of getting photos ready to submit to photo editors and such. When reviewing the book, "The Photographer's Market" some editors would like to see a resume. I know how to build a work-related resume, but how does this differ from a photo resume? Any assistance is appreciated!


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July 21, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  It's essentially identical to a work resume. Publications and publishers worked for, bylines, names of editors worked for, assignments covered and duties, art directors worked with, illustrators, short-current and past client list, education including degrees, courses studied, association memberships, etc. and career objectives.

All shortly and crisply described, nicely organized with accurate spelling and punctuation, cleanly printed out, and well organized from most recent gig toward the oldest.

While your porfolio with tear sheets speaks loudest, as the old adage goes, "You never get a second chance to make a great first impression".

Take it light ;>)

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July 21, 2008


Cynthia L. Sperko
  Thanks, Mark.

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July 22, 2008


Bob Cammarata
  When editors or publishers request a resume, they are more targeted toward established (and published) professionals than to someone trying to break in.
But it may be possible to circumvent this by submitting a sample portfolio of truly exceptional, mind-blowing images or by querying a unique text-photo package they've not yet seen.

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July 22, 2008


Cynthia L. Sperko
  I appreciate your input Bob. I am just starting out in the photo-publishing world of photography. I took Rob Sheppard's class, Successful Publication Photography. The instruction was very useful.


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July 22, 2008

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