BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Samantha L. Dean


Using this forum cause the Business forum isn't answered near as good. :-) I was wondering how much you charge a client when they request web size photos of an event you had photographed. I've never had this request before and don't know where to start. I've googled it but couldn't find any information and knew that BP would be the best help! Thank you in advance for your advice and suggestions!

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July 13, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  Good day Samantha,
Quite honestly I load those on to Photo Reflect site and while at the event I hand out cards with the site address on it.
Or for a Wedding ect. I email them when the images have been loaded,with a invatation to view that they can forward to friends & Family.

Here is the site Link:

This is a free site for all photographers. It allows you to use it for viewing and /or sales.
and gives you the option of adding the sizes and ways you'll allow the prints to be purchased.
it lets you sellect a lab and prices.
the customer makes a selection, chooses a 8x10 and a 5x7 with 4 wallets and the print job is sent to the lab of your choice, you sent a check.

you can see the link on my web site to mine.

I hope this helps a bit,

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July 13, 2008


Samantha L. Dean
  Debby, thank you so much for the advice. I am actually a current PhotoReflect user. I've never had a customer ask me how much I would charge to just have some photos for their personal website use. I don't want to charge too much and I don't want to charge too little. I have no idea how much to charge. :-) They aren't asking for any physical prints either so the only money I'd make off this event would be for the web size photos for this particular guy! Any suggestions on what I should charge? Thanks again!


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July 13, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  Sam ,
what type of event?

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July 13, 2008


Samantha L. Dean
  Miniature horse show. Two-day event, hotel accomodations, etc... No payment from event holder so still waiting to make some money. :-)

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July 13, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  Sporting Events, these are the places you really must take cards and advertise your sales site.
At this point, I'd offer to give them a few in WEB site resolution if they add a link to your sales site for this event.
Usually if you do something nice for them them will really promote you and make sure your there for the next event.
This is just a suggestion and A way to get those owners watching your site for images they need to promote thier animals.

Again, cards at these events can get you invited to do Ranch shots needed to promote show, lease and stud service.
thats where the $ is.
I hope this helps,

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July 13, 2008


Samantha L. Dean
  Thanks Deb! I passed out all the cards I had that day! My order for new ones just recently shipped so I should have them on Monday! :-) Sounds like very good advice. I sure appreciate it! Now, if I do that and they come back for more later on, should I charge them then? If so, what kind of prices for web size shots? Thanks so much!!! I truly appreciate your help!!

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July 13, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
make these little cards off zazzle,
easy to take everywhere.

Well I think I would give it a time or two, let them know if they will promote your sales, you can contine to give them a bit for free or at a discounted rate.

Rate always depend on what others in your area are charging as well.
Call others with a event you needed quoted and get an idea of the pricing in your area.

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July 13, 2008


Samantha L. Dean
  Thanks again Deb! I have some e-mails out to other photographers in this area to find what they would charge. Hoping they won't mind telling me. :-) Thanks for the link. Gonna go check that out now. Thanks again!

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July 13, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  No problem, wishing you the very best in your ventures,

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July 13, 2008

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