BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Angie M. Nemanic


I was recently asked to photograph familes at an informal bbq. I was there for two hours taking photos of families, individual kids and parent portraits. The person who booked me paid for my time during the two hours.

Someone ordered two 4x6 prints of two of the images, but they also want the master files so they can use them on their family website, plus use it for their 2008 Christmas Card. I know what I'll charge them for the 4x6, but any suggestions as to what I should charge for the master images?

The images were very informal, not color coordinated clothes, etc. The families were at a bbq, so they dressed like they were at an informal bbq.

Normally, I never give out my master images (300dpi), but I'm debating it because of how informal these photos are.

I was thinking of charging $75 for the master file. Too much??

I know this is a loaded question, but I'm just curious.


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July 08, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  That's probably a fair price for what this was.

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July 09, 2008

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