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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Jennifer Harden

Carrying Gear & Shoes???

I've shot about 5 weddings and have realized my current system for carrying my equipment with me during the shoot is no longer adequate. I have a basic non-photographic waist apron which is big enough to accomodate my telephoto lens, filters, and extra memory cards, batteries, tissues, keys, cell phone, etc. It has a small string tie that is terribly uncomfortable when weighted down with all this equipment. I was considering a photo vest but don't think there is one big enough to properly and safely accomodate my 200 mm f/2.8 Canon lens. Not to mention, they don't look nice. I wear black slacks to all my weddings so as to dress as if I were a guest so a vest would not mix well with my attire. Doing my job is more important than my attire however.

For those wedding photogs - do you prefer a vest or a belt system? The modular belts really appeal to me as everything is right there and I can purchase the appripriate cases to accomodate everything I need. I am very dismayed that the cases that came with my equipment (flash unit, lens cases, memory card cases, etc.) are probably purposefully not designed to work with these systems so I have to buy cases for them regardless (ggrrrr). Do any of you have these and what do you think? Do you prefer the Tamrac system or Kenesis systems? It would be about $200 to get everything I need so I want to make sure I'm making the right choice.

Another issue is shoes. I use a step ladder during most of my shoots and need comfortable shoes that I can go up and down a step ladder with but still look nice for weddings. Ladies - any suggestions?

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July 07, 2008


Mark Feldstein

For shoes:
Try a pair of Crocs All Terrain for women. My wife and I bought these. She's on her feet all day long, as I usually am. They come in different colors and although they may look strange, 9 out of 10 surgeons prefer Crocs.

Take it light.

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July 07, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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July 07, 2008

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