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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Molly A. Galloway

Shooting for your Family

Recently I took photos at my cousins wedding. Everything was done at cost, and my cousin was given a copy of all the photos.

She later asked for a CD of the images, and I told her I do not give CD's. She is now upset because I told her if she wishes to order additional prints she may do so from my reprint price list. I then received a very nasty e-mail about how bad it is to charge family and etc.

Does anyone have any advice or can anyone relate to this situation?

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June 17, 2008


Jon Close
  Did you have a signed contract specifying what was to be provided, "at cost" and otherwise? If you did not intend to do your cousin's wedding for profit, then what is it you hope to gain from holding onto the image files?

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June 17, 2008


Molly A. Galloway
  No, I did not not have anyone sign a contract. I'm not wanting to gain anything from this. The only thing I am wanting to avoid is having her post images online without crediting me, which has happened several times.

Thank you for your response. :)

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June 17, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  And your cousin won't credit you?

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June 17, 2008


Teresa Norris
  I don't think it's necessarily bad to charge family, but even with family, the importance of a contract can't be overlooked. Next time, huh? But for now, since you gave her the first set for cost, could you make her a CD with a small, tasteful logo or your name and web address or email, even as a semi-transparent border at the bottom or side of the image? Then, when she uses them in emails, myspace, etc., you're getting some advertising and she's less likely to just scan them and use them anyway. And if she wants big ones, or an album or something expensive, maybe give her a nice family discount, but certainly more than cost. That's what I might do, but every family is different, and it's easy to get taken advantage of in this business!

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June 17, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  I'd just give them the CD. It seem weird to charge your family. I'd never do that.

I live by the rule: Never charge your family money for anything. You either give them something or you don't. Money breeds contempt in families.

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June 18, 2008

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Put a digital signature on all the shots, then give it to her.

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June 18, 2008


Molly A. Galloway
  All of your information helps. Thank you for responding!

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June 18, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  Fits right into the old saying "Never sell a car or rent a home to a friend or a family member.

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June 18, 2008

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