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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

corporate signage in public places and other Q&A

So I was in guatemala a few years ago, and now I am creating my first book through blurb. Now as far as recognizable faces I did get their signatures no problem. For those I was not able to and it was in a public place event I was not able to, will that be a problem?
There is one picture from guatemala where I took a picture of a farmers market and there were Pepsi/crush signs,will I need to get pepsi's permission if it's on a public street, and the signs were in the way?

I also took some pictures locally here in San Mateo county at a state beach/reserve, will I need to get permission for that since all I did was take some landscape shots?

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June 16, 2008


Raymond H. Kemp
  Check out photogrpaher and author Dan Heller's site:

He has some very good information which should help point you in the right direction. His book on Model Releases is very good also.

Some other publications to consider:

Legal Handbook For Photogrpahers by Bert Krages

The Law (In Plan English) For Photographers by Leonard Duboff

Caroloyn Wright also has a pretty informative site and book. You can see her site at:

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June 16, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Beyond speculating by getting information from web sites that you can't rely on at trial, the really prudent thing to do, Justin, is talk to a lawyer in your area that specializes in intellectual property including trademarks. The other thing that you may find helpful is to send a copy of the photograph along with a brief description of its intended use to Pepsico and their Dept. of Media Relations. They can authorize publication. And a lawyer's opinion letter is a valid defense at trial.

Also, different publishers may provide you with different in-house rules for releases and what requires them. Talk to your prospective publishers as well.

BTW, over time, you'll find this is not a good place for obtaining legal advice unless its very generalized and not really specific to particular situations.

Morning rk ;>)

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June 16, 2008

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