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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Joseph M. Kolecki

My Website


I recently just redesigned my wedding photography site and would like to hear feedback on the design/layout.

My goal of course is to attract brides as well as people who may want portraits done.

The website address is If you could critique the site being as honest and as brutal as possible, I would be greatly in your debt.

Thanks in advance for your time.


Joe Kolecki

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June 13, 2008


Raymond H. Kemp
  Nice site! Images load up nice and fast; I like that!

Is this a template site? Very easy to navigate.

Looks good!

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June 13, 2008

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  Amazing site!! It's one of the best I've seen and I can't get over how quick it is compared to some of ours. Very nice!!

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June 13, 2008


Dolly L. Davis
  Great website! Very fast and easy to use. You have a beautiful gallery on there!

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June 13, 2008


Molly A. Galloway
  I think you should have the pricing all together under one page. Can you make a "Pricing" page and then have sub catagories? It just looks like a lot of information, almost too much. However, it is also very nice as is.

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June 18, 2008



It is a very nice site, as everyone else has already said. But since you asked for us to be brutal, here are some nitpicky things I noticed:

The thumbnails in the photo samples section are so small that I can't see well enough to know which ones interest me to click on. I'd suggest making these larger. I think the thumbnails in your "online albums" section are a good size.

I think the horizontal bar separators in your navigation bar to the left are adding visual clutter. Maybe you can either do without these or limit yourself to one between each link as opposed to two?

Under "wedding pricing" and "portrait sittings" I noticed that your bulleted lists are centered instead of left-justified, and I find this a little awkward. It feels like reading a haiku. :) I'm guessing you did this to bring the text more towards the center of the white space, and I think that's a good idea. Maybe you can still bring the text towards the center by indenting, but still have your text be left-aligned?

Also, I tend to think Helvetica or Arial font is more modern and elegant than Times New Roman or Garamond, but that's extremely nitpicky, and probably more of a personal preference sort of thing.

Anyway, it is a great site. Hope this helps, and good luck with your business!


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June 19, 2008


Joseph M. Kolecki
  Thank you all for your compliments and suggestions with my website, your input helps more than you know :-).

If there are any pictures/projects you would like me to critique for you, let me know.

Thanks again.

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June 19, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  Why are you supporting TheKnot on your website for brides? That just sends them to a place where other photographers are. Any site that lists other photographers should be taken down. You don't want to send brides into the arms of your competition. If your site is for brides, why would you have and other things like that? It doesn't make sense to me.

You should have a way to forward through the images once I open one up. I don't like having to look at the thumbs and open each one. Brides wont like that either.

Also, it's very busy and cluttered. You could eliminate the "contract" and just email one when you need to.

I would combine all the pricing in one click. It's a PITA to have to see wedding pricing, then print pricing somewhere else. Just put it all together. Or better, say "wedding start at XYZ, please contact us for details". Then have something ready you can send them. Your website is your window, but it shouldn't be a complete shopping experience. You want brides to contact you, not not contact you. I'm not a beliver in pricing on the website. But, whatever. At your pricing, it's a huge advantage to let them know your price, as that's really super duper low. Not sure how you'll make profit, but maybe you have a way.

Not sure how long you've shot weddings, but weddings are not about the stuff or the photography. Weddings are about the relationship between you and your client. That's why I like to use the website to get them interested and have them call or email. I don't want my website to tell them everything. I want to establish myself with them. I don't even do email inquiries anymore. I call everyone (if they provide a phone number) in order to make it more personal and establish myself in their minds before anyone else does.

Best of luck!

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June 20, 2008


Joseph M. Kolecki
  Hey everyone,

Thank you again for all of your comments and critiques! I have made revisions to the site that incorporate many of the suggestions given to me, one of the largest changes that you will notice is that the white background has been removed (many said that looked tacky).

At the moment, the revised site has not been made public, the web address is...

Would you mind taking one more look at this new layout giving me your thoughts? Again, I cannot begin to say how much I appreciate your time. Thank you again.


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June 20, 2008


Molly A. Galloway
  I like this better. Looks a little more polished. What I really think is... you have too many pictures. Persoanlly I would sort through them and pick out the "Best" images. Then I would do that a second time. Leave some images to show the prospective bride or client when you meet.

P.S. Don't have too few photos. About half of what's up now seems good. Also if there is another way you can show the galleries where it won't look so distracting to the eye then I think all the images will be fine.

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June 20, 2008

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