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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Julie M. Cwik

royalty free and rights managed???

What is the difference with royalty free and rights managed images... I'm putting a few of my images on a stock agency and they are asking me this. What is the difference???

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June 10, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Royalty free-one time payment for you. Flat rate based on the size of the file downloaded. No control, no say, no further payment for you if the purchaser wants to use the photo again, where it's use, or how often they want to use it.
Rights managed-you have the option of negotiating usage for where it's used, more money for the publication rate, more money for full page or cover use, period of time of use, exclusive rights of use.

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June 10, 2008


Julie M. Cwik
  So for the photographer Rights Managed is a much better option, but for the buyer Royalty Free is better for them.... if you had the choice what would you choose Greg with a Stock Agency?

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June 10, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  My choice, rights managed for sure. But with a higher pay for you, more critical on the other side for the buyer. One of the reason why microstock is such a lure for some.
There's also some downsides for the buyer with royalty free. But the novelty for many people to know that somebody is using their photos is one of the reasons microstock has become so prevalent. It parallels in many ways what is going on in other areas of business, always looking for the opportunity to increase the bottom line. Move production over to China, pay low rates for microstock.

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June 10, 2008

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