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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Bob & Chaytor Chandler

Keywords, etc for web search

I have entered words in the Keyword section that I thought would be good descriptive words that would cause people to flock to our site. However, when I type in my keywords in say, Google, everything and everyone else in the world appears except us. I don't think I've quite got it right yet. Any suggestions as to how to make this work for us?

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June 10, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  getting to the front of google pages requires traffic to your site, as I understand it. Like, keywords bring up 12 pages on google.
If you have a new site or haven't had much traffic to the site, you'll be buried in the back of the group of 12 pages that the keyword brought up.
It's only after you've had more traffic that brings you to the front of search engines.

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June 10, 2008


R K Stephenson
  Hi, B&C,

Books have been written on this subject so it will not be possible to provide a truly productive answer here. But ...

The bottom line is, you're not going to get people flocking to your website by choosing good keywords. (Side note: none of the major search engines use "keywords" for ranking pages anymore.)

Search engines want content. So your gallery site, e.g., will not be listed very high, regardless. Look at all of the sites that rank well for your keywords. I'll be they're all "content rich" -- that is, they have a fair amount of text on them.

If you want to get traffic, you can write some travelogue descriptions about your travels.

Bear in mind, though, that you will need to choose an interesting subject that people will search for -- and -- not not have a million other websites with similar content competing for search engine listing.



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June 10, 2008


Bob & Chaytor Chandler
  Thanks for the input. Some of which I suspected. Will try to beef up our content and see if that happens. Baby steps, huh?!

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June 11, 2008

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