BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

New to doing Events

Greetings everyone. I have read some of the other posts that are on this topic but none answer the question I have. I take photos as a hobby and in the past year and a half have been asked to take photos for local events (a rodeo, sheep herding, stock car races, farm fair). Since they were all local and the groups conducting these events have such a measly budget, I went to the event and didn't charge the particular group. BUT, I do charge for every print that is ordered by participants. So far, this has been well worthwhile.

But now I have a new situation. An equine group had been referred to me from someone who has purchased photos from me at one of those other events. These horse people would like me to cover their annual horse demonstration and sale but it would mean I'd have a full day's drive just to get there and would have to overnight in a motel. For this reason, I'm reluctant to do a no-fee for the horse group. Do those of you who travel to events charge a fee? Or charge for travel disbursements?

I'm not sure how to respond to them but I'd like to do this one since it's such a big event and there could be a lot of good prospects for future work.

A bit of a conundrum for this newbie. Any advice?

Thank you in advance,


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June 01, 2008

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