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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Joan Mardeusz

Help with Senior Pictures

Hi! I have a few people that have asked me to take their kids senior pictures. I know how to take them, but can anybody give me some idea of what I should charge? Thank you !

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May 30, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  Good day,
I always suggest that you price check in your area for an idea where to start.

I hope this helps,

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May 30, 2008


Pete H
  Hello Joan,

It really depends on YOUR future plans and the people doing the asking.

For close friends and family, I charge material cost only.

It all comes down to what YOU feel you are worth; teme wise and artistic wise.

People buy value, NOT photos. If we all bought photos, we would all go to K-mart for pics. We don't.

Are you trying to just get started and hoping for future work? Then work cheap to get your name out.

Ask yourself a few questions:

1)How many hrs of work; total.
2)Do they want prints or just a DVD?

A good VERY basic rule of thumb I tell anyone new to shooting for money is this:

Material cost x 2 + 15.00/hr.

With time and getting them to beat down your door with requests, this will rise drastically.

all the best,


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May 30, 2008


Joan Mardeusz
  Thank you very much for your help! That's what's great about this site, friendly people willing to help.


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June 03, 2008

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