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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Timothy W. Morris

What to charge a friend for MySpace photos

Good day all,
A friend of mine, who is in a garage-type rock & roll band, asked me if I would go to one of their upcoming shows (at a bar & grill type place) and take photographs of him & his band for their Music MySpace page. He is willing to pay for the photos, but I really have no clue what to charge.
I'm far from being a pro, and have never done a location shoot before, at least for the sole purpose of making money.
Just in my preliminary cost estimate, I've only been able to figure out travel expenses, which I basically figured out how much in gas money it would cost me to get there, and back, and then doubled it.
Even this seems rather low.
I also feel that I should be reimbursed the cover charge.
After that, I really don't know what to charge for photos that will be used online.
Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks!

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May 27, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  You dont charge friends for something like this. At least, I wouldn't. Maybe the gas and the cover charge, but that's it. If you really want to get into it, it's probably worth around $500 - $1,000. But, you probably wouldn't want to charge your friend that.

I assume you are providing low res images for the web?

I might do something like this...

-Free = logo placed on the images.
-$50 + expenses = no logo placed on the images.
-high res images = $75 each.

This isn't like a normal commercial deal. You're just helping a friend out. I'd probably just give them a CD, and use the images for my own advertising. But, if you want to charge, I provided some reasonable rates that might apply. Especially given your experience with this kind of thing.

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May 28, 2008

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  I'm with Jerry. I'd charge maybe for the gas and cover, but that would be all, for a friend. Chalk it up to the experience you will be getting in this type of shoot.

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May 28, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  I agree also!
and after looking at your web site, I see you have an interest in Portraiture but do need some more experience and direction.
So if it were myself, I would look at this opportunity as a FREE model and have fun really posing them and taking candids with more expression/animation.
The Band should really give you a lot to work with.
Then make sure they post your contribution and credit on their my space.
Again ,what a great opportunity for you !
*and always remember that "word of mouth" is your best advertizing, so when one of your "fans"(close friends,lol) asked for a small favor early in your career, you just got your self a LOAD of free advertizing!
I hope this helps,

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May 29, 2008

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