BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Selling Your Photograph

I have been approched by a corporate entity asking to buy one of my photos for commercial use They seek: NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS GRANTED: they seek Unlimited Corporate usage in collateral, trade show, trade advertising, website, brochure, newsletter advertising, corporate videos, point presentations, and other in-house use for an UNLIMITED duration. I would retain ownership of the photo and all press usage include the credit line with my copyright. I am all new to this what do I charge for my photo? Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks

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May 20, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Ok, this particular issue has been addressed here quite a bit. So, I defer to the search term section.

But let me ask you something John. Out of all the commercial photographers in the world, their stock agencies and representatives and web sites, why do YOU suppose this particular corporation singled your shot out and is attempting to hit you up for unlimited usage you mentioned. C'mon, think really really really hard about that one. I'll wager you'll get it.

Assuming you do, you've got a fair amount of pricing-related homework to do and a LOT of questions to ask the corporate media director or ad agency such as press runs, sizes, editorial vs. advertising usage, distribution, North American rights, worldwide rights, royalties, oh, and of COURSE, you've filed your copyright paperwork in a timely manner, right and know how to prepare and send out photo delivery memorandum? John? OK, start with Business Practices for Photographers from among other books on the market regarding similar subjects.
Take it light.

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May 20, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Sorry. Did somebody say photo credit in some of the work, size and type fonts?

Join this group if you can and at least take a look at our somewhat older pricing survey. It's the real deal.

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May 20, 2008

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