BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Colleen Farrell

approaching a gallery

I want to approach some local businesses that display art, and I'm not quite sure how to go about it.

For those of you who've done this, do you show them your whole portfolio, or just a selection of pieces that you want to display (say a certain theme)?

Does the owner usually select the specific images they want to display, or do they just look at your collection, say OK, and how many they can show, and you get to pick which ones?

If the owner selects the individual images, wouldn't I have to make sure all of them were framed and ready to hang in case he picked them!? (That's a lot of money, not to mention storage space.)

I'm thinking that since most of my images are of flowers, I should only present these. But I'm not sure how to do it--at first I was thinking of getting MPix books printed. I'd have to do one horizontal format (20 photos minimum) and one vertical format (20 minimum) since they can't combine formats.

Bringing in my laptop would be cheaper and easier. Do any of you just show your BetterPhoto gallery as your portfolio? I don't have a website.

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May 12, 2008

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